Monday 14th August
Sheesha 'growing pastime' for women
Published Date: August 12, 2007 By Nawara Fattahova, Staff Writer KUWAIT: Smoking a water pipe or 'sheesha' is a common pastime practiced by many people in the Arab world. A similar activity was the 'Gidu' that was smoked by men in traditional cafes. The pastime of smoking sheesha wasn't a very popular activity in Kuwait but then it spread and became more famous in the early 1990s.Before, there were only a few old cafes offering sheesha which were mostly visited by Saidi Egyptians. But now more cafes are offering sheesha and most of them are really crowded. This pastime is much more popular in Egypt and Lebanon and the expatriates from these countries brought this pastime with them when they came to Kuwait. Now, the pastime of smoking sheesha is being practiced by numerous female smokers in Kuwait.Although smoking sheesha is considered socially unacceptable for women, the number of women smoking sheesha is steadily increasing. A few years back, you could hardly see a woman smoking sheesha in a cafe but today when you enter any cafE, you won't be surprised to see dozens of women smoking sheesha. Also, as it was taboo for women to smoke sheesha before, it has now become more acceptable and you can see many women in Kuwait smoking sheesha without feeling ashamed.Most people in Kuwait see the pastime of smoking sheesha as a shameful activity for women and some even think it's disgusting. "I hate to see a woman smoking sheesha because it doesn't match their femininity. I can't imagine how their husband can stand them as their breath definitely smells bad. I don't smoke sheesha and my wife doesn't as well. Even if I did, I won't let her smoke in public," said Jamal, a 40-year-old employee.Women who smoke sheesha don't see this pastime as something shameful or disgusting. "I think it's normal, men can smoke sheesha so why can't we? I like to gather with my friends at a cafE and smoke sheesha and I don't think it's shameful. Also, I'm not doing anything illegal so why should I be ashamed?" said 28 year old Amani.Sheesha operates by water filtration and indirect heat and it can be used for smoking many substances such as herbal fruits and tobacco. Depending on where you are, sheesha is known under different names such as nargeela, argeela or ghelyoon to name a few.Many of these names are of Arab, Indian, Turkish, Uzbek, or Persian origin. Nargeela is the name most commonly used in Armenia, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Turkey, Greece, Cyprus, Albania, Israel, Bulgaria and Romania, though the initial "n" is often dropped in Arabic.Sheesha is more commonly seen in Egypt, Bahrain, Kuwait Morocco, Qatar, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, Somalia and Yemen. In Iran, it is called ghelyoon or ghalyan and in India and Pakistan it is referred to as huqqa.Many reports had been made about the bad effects of smoking sheesha in regards to one's health and many sheesha smokers end up in the hospital with serious diseases caused by this pastime. Dr Ahmad from Adan Hospital told the Kuwait Times that smoking sheesha is a bad pastime which can cause serious diseases starting from asthma to cancer.It damages the skin, which is very important for women as they like to look beautiful and young. By smoking sheesha, they make their skin age which in effect makes them look older than they really are," Dr Ahmad concluded.
Monday, 13 August 2007
Sunday, 12 August 2007
Missing Madeleine
When any child goes missing it is tragic. This story has certainly pricked the imagination of 1000s of people and the theories abound on message boards around the world on what happened her- she was kidnapped , she was murdered, it was a revenge kidnapping, the mother lost her temper, a paedophile did it, she ran away,it goes on and on.
What cannot be denied is that the parents were careless in leaving three children under 5 alone, in a strange country while they went off to wine and dine with friends.This fact seems to have been brushed over by the slanted British press.Mr McCann said he felt that being in a restaurant round the corner, more than 120 metres away was just like 'sitting in the garden'. Maybe I am guilty of being too over protective , but when my kids are asleep, I don't even sit in my garden; I remain indoors where I can hear them if they cry out in fear or pain.Unfortunately if this little girl cried out for either of those reasons 100 days ago- there was no loving parent around to hear her screams. And that in itself is a crime.
Keep looking-look into the eyes of every child you see, blonde, brunette, fat , slim. It might, just might be her.
Tuesday, 7 August 2007
Isra and Mi'raj
In Islam, the Isra and Mi'raj ( الإسراء والمعراج) are the two parts of a journey that Mohammad (PUH) took in one night of the year 1BH (621AD) Isra is an Arabic word referring to what we regard as Muhammad's miraculous night journey from Mecca to Jerusalem — specifically, to the site of Masjid al-Aqsa (Al Aqsa Mosque). Mi’raj is an Arabic word referring to the second part of the journey, particularly the ascension of Muhammad from Masjid al-Aqsa to the heavens.
This celebrated event in Islam took place before the Hijra and after Muhamad's (PUH) visit to the people of Taif. It happened just over a year before the Hijra, on the 27th of Rajab; but this date is not always recognized.This date is celebrated as Lailat al Miraj.
This celebrated event in Islam took place before the Hijra and after Muhamad's (PUH) visit to the people of Taif. It happened just over a year before the Hijra, on the 27th of Rajab; but this date is not always recognized.This date is celebrated as Lailat al Miraj.
Monday, 6 August 2007
My Next Holiday?
Weather Forecast-for the next twelve years probably.
Saturday, 4 August 2007
Koran tells us that 'paradise lies beneath the feet of mothers'. We should respect our mothers whatever and I am always shocked to the bone to hear of people who don't. They insult them, show them no kindness , understanding or charity.In fact in some cases they even enjoy tormenting them even when they know their mother is old, alone and ill. What will become of these people ? What will their punishment in the grave be?
Let's celebrate mothers. Let's respect them. Let's show them the kindness they deserve- for all the times they changed us, read us a story, wiped our dirty faces, told us it would be alright and loved us unconditionally.
''And We have enjoined on the human being in (regard to) his two parents - his mother bore him in weakness upon weakness, and his weaning was two years - Give thanks to Me and to your parents. To Me is the goal. But if they strive with you to associate with Me (gods) you do not know about, then do not obey them. But keep company with them both in the world in an honorable manner, and follow the path of who repents to Me. Then I will tell you what you have worked. '' - Surah Luqman ayat 14-15
Hadith al-Qudsi: ''I swear by My Glory and power that if a (child who is) disobedient to his parents comes to me with all the good deeds of all the prophets, I will not accept them from him.''
In Islam, the honor, respect, and esteem attached to motherhood is unparalleled. The Quran places the importance of kindness to parents as second only to worshipping God Almighty:
"Your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him, And that you be kind to parents. Whether one or both of them attain old age in your life, Say not to them a word of contempt, nor repel them, But address them in terms of honor. And out of kindness, Lower to them the wing of humility, and say: 'My Lord! bestow on them Your Mercy as they Cherished me in childhood' " (Quran 17:23-24).
Let's celebrate mothers. Let's respect them. Let's show them the kindness they deserve- for all the times they changed us, read us a story, wiped our dirty faces, told us it would be alright and loved us unconditionally.
''And We have enjoined on the human being in (regard to) his two parents - his mother bore him in weakness upon weakness, and his weaning was two years - Give thanks to Me and to your parents. To Me is the goal. But if they strive with you to associate with Me (gods) you do not know about, then do not obey them. But keep company with them both in the world in an honorable manner, and follow the path of who repents to Me. Then I will tell you what you have worked. '' - Surah Luqman ayat 14-15
Hadith al-Qudsi: ''I swear by My Glory and power that if a (child who is) disobedient to his parents comes to me with all the good deeds of all the prophets, I will not accept them from him.''
In Islam, the honor, respect, and esteem attached to motherhood is unparalleled. The Quran places the importance of kindness to parents as second only to worshipping God Almighty:
"Your Lord has decreed that you worship none but Him, And that you be kind to parents. Whether one or both of them attain old age in your life, Say not to them a word of contempt, nor repel them, But address them in terms of honor. And out of kindness, Lower to them the wing of humility, and say: 'My Lord! bestow on them Your Mercy as they Cherished me in childhood' " (Quran 17:23-24).
Friday, 3 August 2007
Daily Mail- biased reporting
The Daily Mail today reported that 'as many as ' 1/11 of all British Muslims suported suicide bombers.
Wouldn't it have been more heartening for them to report that 'as many as ' 10 /11 deplore suicide bombers?
Guess they have a little bit of a biased view of things- maybe their glass is half empty-mine is half full.
Wouldn't it have been more heartening for them to report that 'as many as ' 10 /11 deplore suicide bombers?
Guess they have a little bit of a biased view of things- maybe their glass is half empty-mine is half full.
Thursday, 2 August 2007
Results of Poll

Well not many voted but it was a close thing: the 'yeas' have it...(7 against 5).....but what are the logistics? Where could we open it? Who would come? Who would bust it ?And does your health really need it ?
Dentists at the King Faisal Hospital in Jeddah have reported the following :
“Many people here think that smoking sheesha is less of a health hazard than cigarettes because there isn’t much research on sheesha, but it has been found that sheesha has more nicotine in it and that smoking one sheesha is equivalent to smoking 18 cigarettes,” .
Mmm- interesting, so if you smoke 3 sheesha in a day that's like 3 packets of Embassy Regal- not very regal for your poor lungs....
Maybe a danish and a Starbucks is a better idea ladies- Well,I think I'll stick with my currant scone and latte from Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf.
August 2nd long ago but not forgotten
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