Sunday, 12 August 2007

Missing Madeleine

When any child goes missing it is tragic. This story has certainly pricked the imagination of 1000s of people and the theories abound on message boards around the world on what happened her- she was kidnapped , she was murdered, it was a revenge kidnapping, the mother lost her temper, a paedophile did it, she ran away,it goes on and on.

What cannot be denied is that the parents were careless in leaving three children under 5 alone, in a strange country while they went off to wine and dine with friends.This fact seems to have been brushed over by the slanted British press.Mr McCann said he felt that being in a restaurant round the corner, more than 120 metres away was just like 'sitting in the garden'. Maybe I am guilty of being too over protective , but when my kids are asleep, I don't even sit in my garden; I remain indoors where I can hear them if they cry out in fear or pain.Unfortunately if this little girl cried out for either of those reasons 100 days ago- there was no loving parent around to hear her screams. And that in itself is a crime.
Keep looking-look into the eyes of every child you see, blonde, brunette, fat , slim. It might, just might be her.

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