So re the latest attempt to keep us all indoors, here is a letter from the Arab Times online. What are your thoughts? Should all women be banned from working after 8 pm ? Does that mean that we can stop working at home after 8 pm too?
''Sir I am sitting at my computer reading the on line version of the Arab Times trying to understand how this new 8 pm curfew on work will unfold. If I go out shopping at 8.30 pm and wish to buy underwear, who is gong to serve me? As men are not allowed (by law) to do this and now women are not permitted to work after 8 pm, one can only assume that many shopping malls in Kuwait will be ‘manned’ by robots … If wish to study English at The British Council or BITE or even learn Arabic at Kuwait Uni, if my class starts at 7 and runs till 9 and my teacher, as I may request, is a women, will the remainder of the class (8 pm to 9 pm) be taught by video cam - or osmosis? If my flight leaves from / or arrives at Kuwait Airport after 8 pm one can only assume that all security restrictions go out the window and I would be free to carry whatever illegal objects I desire – a man cannot search me, and all the female security officers have been sent home.
What if I have a serious medical problem which requires immediate attention. I rush off to hospital and the only staff there are male-should I bleed to death in A&E? Unfortunately now, on the strike of 8 my hair must remain wet at the salon if Mimi hasn’t dried it on time … My letter may be tougue-in-cheek and may seem a bit on the ridiculous side to you. However, these MPs are making ridiculous suggestions. Have they any idea how preposterous their new law looks in the eyes of the world? If they want to get the Filipina women out of the pool halls / coffee shops and Internet cafes then they need to pass a law that prevents them from working after 8 pm, not people simply going about their lives as normal. Or if they simply want to ‘keep their women at home’ then by all means do that. But don’t infringe on my rights and then try and call yourself democratic. Oh grow up!''
Well said I say. Shall we make Kuwait a male only venue after 8 pm ? All those guys down at Kuwait Magic would be out of a job - who's going to sell that lingerie?
And just a thought- if an emergency meeting of parliament is called at 9 pm, would our newly appointed women MPs be prohibited from attending? Mmm. Maybe that's the idea.
''Sir I am sitting at my computer reading the on line version of the Arab Times trying to understand how this new 8 pm curfew on work will unfold. If I go out shopping at 8.30 pm and wish to buy underwear, who is gong to serve me? As men are not allowed (by law) to do this and now women are not permitted to work after 8 pm, one can only assume that many shopping malls in Kuwait will be ‘manned’ by robots … If wish to study English at The British Council or BITE or even learn Arabic at Kuwait Uni, if my class starts at 7 and runs till 9 and my teacher, as I may request, is a women, will the remainder of the class (8 pm to 9 pm) be taught by video cam - or osmosis? If my flight leaves from / or arrives at Kuwait Airport after 8 pm one can only assume that all security restrictions go out the window and I would be free to carry whatever illegal objects I desire – a man cannot search me, and all the female security officers have been sent home.
What if I have a serious medical problem which requires immediate attention. I rush off to hospital and the only staff there are male-should I bleed to death in A&E? Unfortunately now, on the strike of 8 my hair must remain wet at the salon if Mimi hasn’t dried it on time … My letter may be tougue-in-cheek and may seem a bit on the ridiculous side to you. However, these MPs are making ridiculous suggestions. Have they any idea how preposterous their new law looks in the eyes of the world? If they want to get the Filipina women out of the pool halls / coffee shops and Internet cafes then they need to pass a law that prevents them from working after 8 pm, not people simply going about their lives as normal. Or if they simply want to ‘keep their women at home’ then by all means do that. But don’t infringe on my rights and then try and call yourself democratic. Oh grow up!''
Well said I say. Shall we make Kuwait a male only venue after 8 pm ? All those guys down at Kuwait Magic would be out of a job - who's going to sell that lingerie?
And just a thought- if an emergency meeting of parliament is called at 9 pm, would our newly appointed women MPs be prohibited from attending? Mmm. Maybe that's the idea.
1 comment:
In the Arab Times today, Ali Al Baghli has an interesting commentry and view of the law. Check it out. His slant is that banning women from work after 8 pm would bring more men on to the streets and make it a more dangerous place for women and children.
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