Having got through the 'terrible twos' I was led to believe that was it.....I have now decided that there is also the 'thran threes' (thran is an Irishism meaning difficult and moody). Here are some others:
Finnicky fours : don't want that, want that, no that, yes, no, blah, blah, blah
Frightful fives : Don't leave me! I hate school ! Please don't leave me! I'll dieeeeee...
Silly sixes : Hee hee you're fat ! Hee hee mummy....blah...blah.....elephant bum.....
Surprising sevens : Rain is caused by the water cycle, it falls, rises , condenses and falls again.....
Enterprising eights : But I picked your flowers to make perfume with the petals....we're going to sell the perfume and everybody will buy it.......
Naughty nines : I SWEAR I didn't steal her gnomes Mum....I SWEAR........and back to ...
Terrible tens : You don't need to stay ! Please Mum ! Leave me!If you stay I'll dieeeeee....
Yeah well you have got the best to come...... can I borrow your new dress, can I go to Fatma's house to 'study' and can you buy me credit for my phone? Argh!! the terrible two's don't look at all bad when you reach the flamin fifteens!!
LOL hehehe... This is too funny totally seen the frightful five's and I guess next yr will experience the finniky fours lol at least I won't be shocked...right LOL... Hugs ;)
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