So another day finishes.Same old here in wet UK. Get up, breakfast ( boring coz it's Atkins), shower, shop for newspaper, lunch, park (swings, kids not me), ice cream, run from the thunderstorm, dinner, Eastenders ( Stella is dead and Phil has taken to the bottle-that's about as exciting as it gets).22 28 GMT signing out.
Tumbling curls of green by stainglass streaming light And a yellow coloured lampshade Used to keep us up all night And the smile upon her face, The tears upon your cheek And the night sky on the window Your heart calling out to me. Come running home again, Katie Come running home again Cross my heart and hope to die Shall I cause another tear from your eye The mirror that won't talk and your nightgown on the door And the old pedal Singer just don't sing no more You can roll the reels for hours From the movie of this book It's a question mark on this heart of mine Sends an elder back to look. Now I'm looking through a tunnel Back into the room With the genius of a druid when the sunlight floods the tomb And I'm never going back there, and I couldn't anyway 'Cause though I made the great escape I never got away.
So another day finishes.Same old here in wet UK. Get up, breakfast ( boring coz it's Atkins), shower, shop for newspaper, lunch, park (swings, kids not me), ice cream, run from the thunderstorm, dinner, Eastenders ( Stella is dead and Phil has taken to the bottle-that's about as exciting as it gets).22 28 GMT signing out.
Tired,depressed.Dealing with a 3 year old monster is not good for the blood pressure. Good nite all.
Missed last night- too hectic, naughty children. Today was a better day- sun was shining, but I was ill. It's nearly bed time. Sleep tight all.
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